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Master Jeff Wheeler
Jan 20, 2020
Master Jeff Wheeler
Jan 31, 2019
In Help for kids
"Blah, blah,blah..." Kids with ADD and ADHD hear this all day long. They simply can't focus their minds, and so when people talk to them like their teachers and parents... It all mixes together and they don't hear a word of it. If your kid has attention and focus problems - you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Well, here's the good news... There is an excellent program out there that helps kids just like this sharpen their minds. They learn how to focus, pay attention, and follow directions. AND they have a TON of fun in this program. What is it? Our kids martial arts program! Every single day we help kids develop important life skills like focus... respect... determination...and discipline. Kids with ADD and ADHD learn how to keep their conditions under control - while having a ton of fun. And kids who attend regularly often raise their grades by whole letter grades within a couple of months. Want more info? Check out our website for our limited Holiday specials. (Thanks for sharing Master V)
ADD and ADHD content media
Master Jeff Wheeler
Jan 31, 2019
In Help for kids
Bullying is an unpleasant, rude, and hurtful behavior causing abuse, and mistreatment to others; or an aggressive repeated behavior with intent to cause harm. It is characterized by an individual seeking to gain power over another person. This forced imbalance of social and/or physical power distinguishes Bullying from simple conflict. Bullying ranges from simple one on-one interactions, to more complex offenses where the Bully may have help, or one or more “lieutenants” who may assist him or her. Those who engage in this behavior seem to have a need to feel powerful, and in control, and have little empathy for their victims. Often times when people feel threatened, they began to Bully to maintain their position. Many times, it begins as VERBAL or THREATS, any we know that it will most often leads to physical violence. WHERE DOES IT COME FROM? Kids pick up this behavior at school, at home, in their music, and in their daily interactions. They learn that this is the way they can get things done, and have their way. Here are some of the causes for Bullying; 1. They are not getting the attention they want. 2. They are having family struggles, so they want to control someone else. 3. They have low self-confidence, so they Bully others to feel more confident and powerful. 4. They feel their social status is being threatened. 5. They’re trying to be cool or impress others. *Our Instructors at Double Dragon teach skills on how to effectively handle any Bully. Tell the teacher, walk away, ignore them. Does this really work? Even though this sounds good, they don’t always work for every situation, and many times the victims may feel that if they tell the teacher, they could be labeled as a “snitch” and will have a hard time keeping or making friends. Often, the kid who is being Bullied, will be the one the adults label as a whiner and troublemaker, thereby blaming the one Bullied rather than the Bully. When you enroll your child in one of our Programs at Double Dragon, your child will learn many skills on how to stand up for themselves by using their brain, and confident body posture, instead of fighting. We teach that fighting is ALWAYS a last resort. No one should ever be afraid to go to school (or work) right! We help our students of all ages to become more confident, and possess the skills to stand up to Bullies, and therefore live a much happier life. Isn’t that what we all want? Give us a call today! And we will be happy to share one of our excellent classes with your child. You never know. Like many parents, you may find yourself on the training floor as well. Stay tuned for Part 2 of our highly successful Bully education program. Excerpts from 7 Strategies to defeat a Bully” © 2014 “John Williamson”. All rights reserved. Warm Regards, Master J. Wheeler The reasons WHY people BULLY Bullies are everywhere, and it’s all about power! Space is limited so call today!
Double Dragon verses Bullying content media
Master Jeff Wheeler
Jan 29, 2019
In General Discussions
Hello dragon family, I wanted to start this private forum within our dragon family where we can share some of our favorite Dragon memories. I will begin by saying, anytime we are together is special for me, espeically when we travel and EAT! Remember the Taco party we had a few years ago at the Wisconsin Dells? I say we do it again this fall.

Master Jeff Wheeler

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