"Blah, blah,blah..."
Kids with ADD and ADHD hear this all day long. They simply can't focus their minds, and so when people talk to them like their teachers and parents... It all mixes together and they don't hear a word of it. If your kid has attention and focus problems - you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Well, here's the good news... There is an excellent program out there that helps kids just like this sharpen their minds. They learn how to focus, pay attention, and follow directions. AND they have a TON of fun in this program. What is it? Our kids martial arts program! Every single day we help kids develop important life skills like focus... respect... determination...and discipline. Kids with ADD and ADHD learn how to keep their conditions under control - while having a ton of fun. And kids who attend regularly often raise their grades by whole letter grades within a couple of months. Want more info? Check out our website www.ddtsda.com for our limited Holiday specials. (Thanks for sharing Master V)